Sunday, March 13, 2011

Disaster coverage

The news is full of stories about the horrific devastation in Japan. Meanwhile, here's some thoughts on how journalists cover disaster-related stories, as compared to other, slower-moving events.

Oh, and here's Jon Stewart's take:

1 comment:

  1. does rick sanchez have a reputation as a real journalist? omg. i think if i were his boss i'd have fired him right then and there.
    i think the daily show is also a bit sick. sometimes joking about an event while its still happening and the death toll is continuing to rise above 6500 is just too soon. i think all the humor makes a viewer lose track of the severity of the news. instead of realizing how fragile the situation in japan in the journalists are making their viewers think nothing of it, and just turn the whole thing into a joke.
    i think what the daily show and rick sanchez just did was really dangerous, and its part of the reason that americans are not up to date on world events, they learn not to think anything of them.
